Patent Attorney
- Attorney at Law
& Patent AttorneySeok Won JUNG
- Attorney at Law
& Patent AttorneyIn-Hyuk KANG
- Attorney at Law & Patent Attorney
Seunghyo LEE
- Attorney at Law & Patent Attorney
Seong Geun KWON
InproIn Co., Ltd.Eun Hee KANG
Patent Attorney
- 1975
- Seoul National University (B.E., Textile Engineering)
- 1977
- Honorably discharged as a first lieutenant (ROTC)
- 1977
- Worked for Daewoo Industrial Co., Ltd.
- 1980
- Admitted to the Korean Patent Attorney Bar
- 1982-Present
- Managing Partner of KANG & KANG International Patent & Law Office
- 1986-2010
- AIPPI-KOREA: Director and Vice President
- 1988-2000
- Korea Patent Attorneys Association-KPAA: International Director, Planning Director, Vice President and Auditor
- 1994-2015
- APAA-KOREA: Director, Secretary General and Vice President, APAA Council
- 2006-2009
- APAA-KOREA: President
- ※ Technical Background: Chemistry, textile machinery,textile materials
and polymer engineering - ※ Foreign Languages: English & Japanese
- ※ Member of KPAA, APAA, FICPI and JTAC
(Japan Trademark Association) - ※ Commendation: Official commendation from the Commissioner of
the Korean Intellectual Property Office for his contribution to
development of the intellectual property rights system in Korea
in 1997.
Attorney at Law & Patent Attorney
Seok Won JUNG
- 2002
- Seoul National University (B.S., Agricultural Chemistry, Dept. of Applied Biology & Chemistry)
- 2004
- Admitted to the Korean Patent Attorney Bar
- 2007
- Joined KANG & KANG
- 2012
- Law School at Chungnam National University. Registered as an attorney at law.
- 2012-2013
- Worked for HMP, a law firm in Korea
- 2013
- Affiliated professor in Fashion Design at School of Art, Sungkyunkwan University
- 2014
- Established KANG & KANG Law & IP Office
- ※ Practice Area: IP, civil and criminal litigation: technology transfer,
licensing, chemistry, biotechnology, trademark and design - ※ Foreign Languages: English & Japanese
Patent Attorney
Su Yeong CHOI
- 1992-2010
- KIPO (Control Bureau, Trademark & Design Examination Bureau, and Industrial Property Policy Bureau)
- 1997-2002
- Dispatched to FIFA 2002 Seoul World Cup Organizing Committee
- 2006
- Graduate School of Yonsei University (M.S., Laws)
- 2009
- Registered as a patent attorney
- 2011-2019
- Korean Ministry of Gender Equality & Family (Women’s Policy Division and Women’s and Youth Rights Protection Division)
- 2019
- Joined KANG & KANG
- ※ Technical Background: Trademark & design
- ※ Foreign Languages: English
- ※ Commendation: Presidential Citation
Attorney at Law & Patent Attorney
Seong Geun KWON
- 2005
- Pusan National University ((B.S., Electronic/Electrical Communication Engineering)
- 2012
- Law School at Chungnam National University.
Registered as an attorney at law and a patent attorney. - 2012-2016
- Law and IP firms in Korea
- 2016-
- KANG & KANG Law & IP Office
- 2018-
- KANG & KANG International Patent & Law Office
- ※ Practice Area: Electrics, electronics, communication, display,
programming, business models, litigation, trial, etc. - ※ Foreign Languages: English
Attorney at Law &Patent Attorney
Seunghyo LEE
- 2006
- Seoul National University (B.S., Applied Biology & Chemistry)
- 2006-2010
- Worked for other patent firms
- 2010
- Graduate School at Seoul National University (Completed Master’s Course in Agricultural Biotechnology)
- 2013
- Law School at Chungnam National University. Registered as an attorney at law and as a patent attorney.
- 2013-2014
- Worked for HMP, a law firm in Korea
- 2013-
- Deliberating member at the IP Rights Evaluation Committee, Foundation of Agri. Tech. Commercialization & Transfer. Affiliated professor in Intellectual Properties at Kyonggi University
- 2014
- Joined KANG & KANG Law & IP Office
- ※ Practice Area: IP, civil and criminal litigation, enterprise counseling,
technology transfer, licensing, chemistry and biotechnology - ※ Foreign Languages: English & Japanese
PRESIDENT / InproIn Co., Ltd.
Eun Hee KANG
- 1982
- Bunka Women’s University, Japan (Master’s)
- 1984
- Bunka Women’s University, Japan
(Completed Doctoral research course) - 1989-2002
- President of Tendale Australia Pty Ltd. and Tendale Korea Co., Ltd.
- 1999-
- Member of Korean Women Entrepreneurs Association-KWEA (present)
- 2002
- Established InproIn Co., Ltd.
- 2003
- Overseas Business Advisor for KANG & KANG.
Obtained a First Degree Certificate of Brand Manager. - 2010-2013
- Planning Director for KWEA Seoul Division
- 2010-2013
- Member of Seoul Small Businesses Employment Task Force
- 2013
- Affiliated professor in Fashion Design at School of Art, Sungkyunkwan University
- ※ Foreign Languages: English & Japanese
- ※ Commendation: Model Businesswoman Award given by the
President of Korea’s Special Committee for Small & Medium
Businesses in 2004.
Mayor of Seoul Award given by KWEA in 2010.
Attorney at Law & Patent Attorney
In-Hyuk KANG
- 2005
- learned Chinese language at Tsinghua University, China
- 2010
- Hanyang University, Korea (B.A Chinese Literature)
- 2017
- Law School at Pusan National University
- 2019
- Registered as an attorney at law
- 2019
- Law Firm MOONJANG & Law Firm DAEIN
- 2020
- Joined KANG & KANG
- 2022
- Master of Science in Interllectual Property at KAIST
- 2022
- Principal of KANG & KANG Law & IP Office and patent attorney at KANG & KANG International Patent & Law Office
- ※ Practice Area : Civil & criminal litigation, enterprise counselling, technology transfer, licensing, intellectual property rignts, etc.
- ※ Foreign Languages : English & Chinese